One of the questions I am asked all the time (please keep sending them) is ‘what is the biggest challenge you have faced and how did you deal with it?’ I’d like to share one I am facing right now. Learning French…publicly.
It’s been 6 months and it seems everyone is interested in my ‘progress’ To be confronted by something I do not excel in every single day, has been humbling. Every time I am asked ‘Est-ce que vous parlez français?’ and I have to respond ‘un peu’ I ask myself when is the answer going to be ‘oui’ I chose to do something about it. I increased the number of French lessons I have every week and I have started to converse in French only with a few people to speed up my learning process.
I love new experiences that force me outside my comfort zone. I am constantly being corrected by every and anyone and I always need to ask what is being said so that I don’t misunderstand. It has been très difficile but it’s all worth it when I speak a few words of French to a colleague and they smile because I am making an effort (or maybe they are smiling at my bad French ). Either way, I know that learning French will do a lot more for me than just adding a new language skill to my tool box.
That’s the wonderful thing about new experiences and challenges. They teach and give you more than you could have ever imagined. Embrace them. Have a wonderful weekend.
Comment (1)
I definitly appreciate your approach about learning new things. After reading this, I feel more confortable by saying “I don’t know much but I ll do my best to improve my skills”.